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Creative Community Fund

At Creative Crafters Hive, we believe that all children are imaginative, curious, creative, and innovative—our greatest resource. To nurture these valuable skills, we implement creative and expressive programming in partnership with schools and children’s organizations.

Application for the 2024-2025 School Year

The Creative Crafters Hive Community Assist program is designed to provide free programming for schools lacking the financial resources to purchase Creative Crafters Hive training and curriculum. This initiative offers schools or organizations the chance to receive training on the Creative Crafters Hive Method and access to the curriculum through one free year of Creative Crafters Hive Online (a curriculum site with 400+ lessons). Additionally, recipients will receive ongoing support from Creative Crafters Hive staff throughout the year and supplies to implement the lessons.

The amount of programming awarded depends on Creative Crafters Hive's annual fundraisers and grants. This application helps our Board of Directors assess the need and compatibility of schools or children’s organizations wishing to receive programming.


The application is open year-round, but the deadline is 11:59 pm MST on August 5th, 2024. Applicants chosen for phase 2 will participate in an interview, and selections will be announced in September. All recipients will receive free access to Creative Crafters Hive Online for the 2024-2025 school year, along with training, supplies, and ongoing support.

Scoring Criteria

We use a scoring protocol to rank each school or organization by criteria, scoring from 1 to 5 for a total potential score of 15:

  • 1 = Does not meet criteria

  • 2 = Might meet criteria

  • 3 = Meets criteria

  • 4 = Strongly meets criteria

  • 5 = Very strongly meets the criteria

The criteria considered by our Board of Directors are Community Needs, Mission Alignment, and Staff Investment.

  • Community Need: Does the applicant serve a high-need community of diverse and/or underserved students? Will our programming make a significant impact?

  • Mission Alignment: Does the applicant's values and culture align with Creative Crafters Hive’s mission? Will this alignment ensure program fidelity?

  • Staff Investment: Is there a clear commitment from the applicant’s staff and leadership to implement and support the program?

We strongly recommend saving your answers in a separate document for your records. If you have any questions, please email our CEO, Rhonda Clonts, at We look forward to learning more about your work!

Once we receive and review your application, we will reach out to you with a few follow-up questions.

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