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Sock Spiders


ABOUT THE LESSON: A lot of people are scared of spiders, and rightly so! Some of them can be very dangerous and will bite you if you come too close. But what you might not know is that spiders can actually make great roommates. As long as you keep your distance (just in case they're venomous), letting a spider live in your house with you is a great idea! They eat all sorts of indoor pests like roaches, earwigs, mosquitoes, flies, and moths. If left alone, spiders will consume most of the insects in your home, providing effective pest control. So, why not save money on bug spray and get yourself a spidey roommate? SUPERSKILLS: Eye-Hand Coordination: This is the ability to use both one’s eyes and hands in coordination to complete a task, allowing them to respond simultaneously and work together. This craft is loaded with eye-hand coordination exercises, from spinning a web to sticking paper bugs down. Fine Motor Coordination: This involves the coordination of smaller intrinsic muscles within the hands and fingers. This skill will be developed as the children pick up and stick down paper "bugs." They will also paint their spider, requiring them to hold the brush with pincer or lumbrical grasps.

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