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Busy Bee


ABOUT THE LESSON: Learning about bees can be exciting. These little flying insects are very important to our world as they pollinate flowers, fruits, and vegetables, which basically means they help provide us with food. In this lesson, the children will discover how fascinating these insects are by making a beehive and a bee, and by participating in a fun activity that shows how bees work together. SUPERSKILLS: Tactile: This is the ability to interpret an object or texture through making contact with the skin, allowing for sensory exploration. Children will use their tactile senses when they touch various materials, like clay and pipe cleaners, which all have different textures and densities. Material Management: This refers to how children handle materials and discover their purposes. It consists of: Manipulation: Fine motor skills. Construction: Combining and producing. Purpose: Setting goals. Attention: Time spent independently. This will be seen when the children construct their little bees. Another instance is in the painting of the 3D beehive, which requires the children to manage the paintbrush in different ways, painting inside and outside the cells.

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