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Abstract Paper Weight


ABOUT THE LESSON: This lesson is a lot of fun and includes plenty of games to practice hand-eye and fine-motor coordination. By repeating the same actions in different games, the children work on developing and strengthening the same muscles. Bonus: What you end up with is a lovely paperweight gift, ideal for mom or dad's office to keep papers from flying all over the place. SUPERSKILLS: Eye-Hand Coordination: This is the ability to do activities that require using both our hands and eyes. In this lesson, hand-eye coordination is developed as the kids carefully place materials onto their skewer sticks, being mindful not to poke their fingers. Fine-Motor Coordination: This involves using the smaller muscles in your fingers to perform tasks. In today's lesson, the kids will use fine-motor skills to pinch stickers off paper and place them onto their paperweight. Additionally, when they decorate their paperweight with paint, they will need to hold the brush with pincer or lumbrical grasps.

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