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Egg Carton Caterpillar


ABOUT THE LESSON: Caterpillars are friendly and fascinating creatures. Caterpillars may seem small, but they play a big role in nature. They help plants grow by munching on leaves and turning them into rich soil. They have lots of legs—usually around 16 of them! These legs help them move and explore the world around them. Today, we'll be making our very own caterpillars. Then we'll pull them around with us and explore! SUPERSKILLS: Color Recognition: This is the ability to recognize and name colors based on previously learned experiences. In today's lesson, we'll use various methods to introduce and reinforce colors throughout crafting and playtime. Fine Motor Coordination: This involves using the smaller muscles in your fingers to perform tasks. In today's lesson, the children will use this skill when pinching stickers off pieces of paper and sticking them onto their caterpillars. They will also use it when painting, coloring, and stringing beads and straws onto their strings.

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