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My Jet


ABOUT THE LESSON: Look up in the air. What do you see? A bird, a plane, or even a butterfly or bee? How do they stay up in the air? We see things flying around us every day, yet the concept of flight is still fascinating to both young and old. In this lesson, we will make a jet and learn more about how these massive machines glide so effortlessly through the air every day. SUPERSKILLS: Free Play: This is when a child gets the opportunity to engage in unstructured play, which allows the development of imagination while exploring the world around them. When children can choose what they want to do, how they want to do it, and when to stop and try something else, it helps them develop a sense of self. It also teaches them to value the thoughts and feelings of others. Bilateral Integration: This is the ability to use both sides of the body together in a coordinated way. In this craft, children will use both hands when building and coloring their jets, holding the jet with one hand and decorating with the other.

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