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Fine Motor Fun


ABOUT THE LESSON: This class will bring focus to the finer things in life! The kids will use both their hands and minds. This is also a great craft to play with again at home. The kids will throw their treasures out and pick them up again... and again... and again! As always, before the class, ask parents if any of their kids are prone to putting things in their mouths. Request attending adults to keep a close eye on kids working with small items or potential choking hazards. SUPERSKILLS: Fine Motor Coordination: This is when one uses the smaller intrinsic muscle groups of the hands to perform activities with controlled movements. The children will not only work on their fine motor skills but also strengthen the tiny muscles in their hands while tweezing different objects and having fun. Problem Solving: This is when one identifies a problem and discovers a plan or solution to solve it. The kids will engage in problem-solving as they figure out what to do with cut straws and an empty egg carton. They will have the freedom to discover the purpose of each item and how they work together to function as one.

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